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Tag Archives: Be Your Own Hero

This week, we gave honor to the men and women who went and are still at the frontlines to fight for our country. These are brave individuals who stepped up to the challenge of putting the country first in a fight for freedom or safety. We recognize those who fought for the country’s freedom and to our modern heroes who are on the battle ground against the COVID19 pandemic.

Last Monday was also a good day to remind us that we can be our own heroes at this challenging times. The small disciplined actions that we take each day play a significant role in putting our country in a better fighting stance against the effects of this pandemic. The small contributions from everyone matter at this crucial time.

#BeYourOwnHero by wearing a mask and a face shield. Yes, the mask and shield can be quite a pain but we need to take on the discipline to keep you and the people around you safe. I cannot stress this enough that we need to have the discipline to flatten the curve. We need to understand that we are the front-liners in this health crisis. We need to do our part every single day. This small act can save a life, even yours.

#BeYourOwnHero by keeping your distance. Filipinos have a strong sense of community and I am inclined to believe that this trait is also one of the contributors to the rise in COVID19 cases. We love to gather and we find every occasion to get together. A barkada get-together or a family birthday gathering can mean a possible COVID19 transmission to our loved ones as we are not aware as to the possible exposure of the people joining you. Let us be cautious and let’s keep our distance now so we can celebrate together in the future.

#BeYourOwnHero by giving your best at work. While a good number of Filipinos have lost there jobs, there are those that are lucky enough to keep theirs. Keep your focus and give your best if you are one of the lucky ones. Treat your company as your own as your employer have taken a huge blow from the months of no operation or limited operation. A lot of businesses have been severely impacted by this pandemic that a number of businesses have opted to shut down. If the company that you are working with is still operating and you are still employed, your employer is working on keeping your boat afloat so do your part to keep your ship from sinking with EVERYONE onboard. Every contribution from everyone matters at this crucial time.

#BeYourOwnHero by supporting small local businesses. One of the great things that came out of this pandemic is the birth of small businesses. Passion and skills were put into good use to create opportunities for earning to help augment family finances. It can be a friend, a friend of a friend, or someone on Facebook that has goods or services to offer on social media platforms. Supporting these micro-entrepreneurs open opportunities to sustain and grow these businesses which in turn contributes to the country’s economy. Again, every contribution matters at this time. Keep supporting these micro-entrepreneurs even after we open the economy. That home-grown business now can be the next big thing in the future.

#BeYourOwnHero by always putting your best foot forward in everything that you do, be it at school or at work. We are all facing different challenges but we should not let these challenges be the stone that will bring us down. Find solutions rather than whine. We were all born with our own handicaps so we need to deal with it and find a way to overcome these difficulties. We should not be dependent on the people around us or even in the government for everything that we need. We can always find a solution to every problem if we really want to overcome our handicaps. The key to making it in life is YOU.

#BeYourOwnHero by being an inspiration to the people around you, both physically and virtually. Spreading the positive vibe at this time is one of the easiest thing to do for anyone. Words of encouragement and hope uplift the human mind and spirit. I have always been a strong believer of the saying “you attract what you think”. A positive mindset attracts the good things and makes you appreciate the small things. A heart of gratitude always attracts more blessings. Some may say that it may sound like toxic positivity but I think it is better than being around who are chronic complainers and are just plain toxic. That is why I stay away from people who overflows with toxicity. Be an inspiration rather than being a burden. It is better for the mind, body, and soul.

We can be a hero in our own little ways for ourselves and the people around us. The small things that we do have a ripple effect to the people around us and the people that around them. The ripple effects gets bigger as more and more people get touched by the series of small good acts. I remember seeing a TV advertisement where one good act gives birth to new good act on somebody else and it was passed on until it made a full circle.

If you want to make our country better… #BeYourOwnHero and start the change with yourself.